KennethStovall's diary

I do my thing and you do your own. I'm not on this world to live up to your dreams, and in addition you're not in this world to live up to mine. You're you and I'm I, and in case by chance we discover one another well, then it's delightful. In any other c

Big Toe Numbness And Tingling

Calluses are hardened areas of the skin caused by repeated friction and pressure. If the callus is left unattended for a long time, it may become painful and cause a major discomfort. Women are more susceptible to calluses on the feet, esp…

Official Blog Of Advanced Foot Care Centers

Ignoring the symptoms of deformities of the toes can aggravate these conditions and lead to a breakdown of tissue, or even infection. Conservative treatment starts with accommodating the deformity. The goal is to relieve pressure, reduce f…

The Foot And Ankle Tribune

Recording the damage in its wake is how meteorologists rank a tornado's severity. The F scale, named for University of Chicago meteorologist Ted Fujita, is based on the havoc wrought by tornadic winds-not on an actual measurement of those …